7 Oct 2014

Late 10m WSPR start today

Last night I went QRT quite early because of nearby storm risks: the lightning map showed flashes quite close last evening. Until a few minutes ago I ventured (on the bus) into Cambridge for a U3AC course. This was my first excursion on my own for over a year! The course is good on Human Evolution.

10m WSPR was turned on a few minutes ago. As well as lots of USA stations, I see my 2W was spotted in Australia by VK5MR (16144km) at 1358z today. The 10m band is in good shape again.

Great to log a HUGE signal from Karen RA3APW (2443km) in Moscow. He runs a genuine 100mW from an Ultimate 3 kit.

UPDATE 1440z:  RV3DQC (2523km) is a collosal +7dB S/N  signal on 10m WSPR. This is either single hop F2 (most likely) or Es.  I think the former is more likely.

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