25 Apr 2015

Definite Es on 10m WSPR

Withe the reception of OK2RO (1282km) several times so far today, I can be pretty confident we are now in the 10m European Es season. Several spots in the last few days might have been Es, but I was not totally sure. It means we can be pretty confident of Es most days until September. Just occasionally this may give us paths further afield than Europe, but these will be much rarer.

So far, no Es yet seen on 6m WSPR.

UPDATE 1233z:  With the weekend and better 10m prospects I see there are more people active on 10m WSPR today.  Last time I looked there were 70 users on 10m WSPR according to WSPRnet.  By contrast there are only 19 WSPR users worldwide on 6m WSPR.

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